Deeper Space

Is it possible to find aliens

The possibility of alien life is, statistically almost 100%. However, the possibility that humans find aliens is extremely low. To expand on this idea, there are approximately 40 billion earth like planets, within the Milky Way alone. The chance the Earth is the only planet to harbor life out of 40 billion others is low, like 0.0000000025% low. So if there are so many planets out there that potentially harbor life why haven’t we found any? There are two potential answers. First there might not be any aliens, it is possible that Earth is the only planet lucky enough to harbor life. The second more likely case is, humans are not looking hard enough. Trying to look for aliens could be near impossible if they are amything like us. Looking to distant planets from Earth, all a viewer can see is the surface of the planet. What if the planets vegetation is red not green, this would make it impossible for someone to detect life at a glance. The only way to truly test a planet for signs of life is to travel there, it is here where Humans are stuck. What if Humans used a rocket to get there, well the closest habitable planet is 12.5 light years away. With current technology speeds of 5 miles per second are possible. So if light can make it to this planet in 12.5 years how long would it take the spacecraft? To figure out one must calculate the time it would take our spacecraft to travel 1 lightyear and then multiply that number by 12.5. The result comes in at a whopping 465,000 years! Sadly crossing the universe by standard methods just won’t be possible, however there is no need to give up hope just yet, there is still black holes. Black holes have the potential to double as wormholes. These allow a person to traverse across spacetime in an instant.

Although an interesting concept, it remains just a concept for now. If it is not possible to physically visit aliens could we ever see them? This is possible but highly unlikely, as distinguishing any signs of intelligent life in the vastness of space is virtually impossible. However, we can still try by using ultra powerful telescopes such as the hubble. Powerful telescopes like this may allow Humans to one day see aliens.